Pet Care
My two dogs have become like additional children to me. The love, care and attention they require can be tiring but also rewarding. They each have their own personalities and when they are sick or hurt my heart desires to make everything better! The responsibility of owning a pet can at times be worrisome, but don't worry I'll share my experiences, triumphs and failures with you to help care for your pet.
Top 8 Dog Calming and Anti-Anxiety Products for Dogs
While my dog Brownie is more accustomed to being home alone during the day, Ginger has not experienced being home for hours alone everyday. How can we prepare our dogs for our return to school and work? Are they showing signs of separation anxiety? What are the best dog calming or anti-anxiety products for dogs?
10 Pros and Cons of an Emotional Support Animal
A few years ago I decided to get an emotional support Animal. I had read about the benefits of emotional support animals for people with depression and anxiety and decided to get a dog. I had never owned a dog in my life and didn't have a clue about how to care for one. It's been about 3 years since we got our English Bulldog and he is the cutest, most laid back dog; which was perfect for me and my family.