How to Establish Confidence in your Abilities after Getting Hurt
For the past two months I've been telling myself I need to start working out, I need to lose weight, I need to get back on track. I've been trying to figure out why it was so hard for me to just do a workout or go out for a brisk walk for exercise. I realized it wasn't a lack of motivation, it was a lack of confidence in my abilities. I had to learn how to establish confidence in my abilities after getting hurt.
How to get in Spiritual Alignment with God for Better Quality of Life
Have you ever felt like every area of your life just seems to be going wrong? Are you constantly feeling drained, depleted and defeated? I understand the feeling because I have been there. I thought that by attaining and accomplishing things, I was improving my quality of life.
Pressured to be good enough? That’s Guilt, not God.
"Where does this pressure come from?" That pressure that I was feeling was not coming from God. It was guilt. Guilt is not from God.
How to Master Major Disruption in your Life
What do you do when major disruption happens with the plan you had for your own life? What happens when the safety and security of the plan that you anticipated going one way ends up taking a sharp left onto Major Life-Altering Crisis Boulevard? You learn how to Master Major Disruption! Let's face it, it is inevitable. Especially with the state of uncertainty and disruption we have been in within the last two years with Covid, we have to learn how to use the inevitable to our advantage.
How to Grow your Christian Blog with LadyBossBlogger
I have been blogging for about a year now, and what a year it has been! I started a Christian blog a few years before. Eventually, I shut it down because I didn't have the time to put into it. I was just winging it. So last summer in June, around my 35th birthday I thought, why not start again? I knew I had insight to share that would inspire others, encourage others, teach others. So I started again, new title, new angle, but the message was the same.
How to Clear the Clutter from Your Mind
Some resources explain how life experiences in childhood shape the adult you become. There are things that may have happened during childhood; disappointment, traumatic experiences that manifests itself in adulthood in various ways. When we carry around all of our baggage from years of trauma that have gone unaddressed, it weighs us down and clutters our mind. I wonder, what does the bible teach us about how to clear the clutter from your mind.