How to Develop Spiritual Fitness
Lacking in Spiritual and Physical fitness
In the midst of Covid-19, at the mercy of social distancing I have gained about 20 pounds! In all of the craziness of being stuck at home, homeschooling two children, stress from the uncertainty of what is to happen next, I forgone any type of physical, mental, and ashamed to say spiritual wellness. I’ve been looking back at my notes and came across this page where I wrote about spiritual fitness and its importance. I wrote this years ago but found it helpful in getting myself back on track. Here are the following ways to develop spiritual fitness, as well as physical fitness; and some of the ways that I am doing that.

When it comes to spiritual fitness, you should take the same precautions as you would to be physically fit to be spiritually fit. It takes intention, discipline, planning and sacrifice.
Physical fitness comes from doing the following:
- Exercise and physically activity
- Eating Healthy
- Getting plenty of sleep and following good sleeping habits
- Drinking a lot of water

My Physical Fitness Plan
To increase wellness in this area I had to make a plan. And my plan is to start slow! For exercise, to start, I plan on walking 20 minutes in the mornings. For eating healthy, I began drinking an oatmeal banana smoothie for breakfast. I still need to work on my sleeping habits and drinking more water.
Physical Fitness comes by eliminating the following:
- Junk food/unhealthy eating habits
- Stress and toxins in the body
- Alcohol/cigarettes/any substance abuse drug
- Toxic people/environments
Not only do you have to start doing for physical wellness, you also have to stop doing. I have cut back on snacking and I do my best to only do what is best for me and my wellbeing. I do not drink, or smoke. When possible I stay out of environments that would encourage me to do so.
Spiritual Fitness comes from doing the following:
- Prayer and meditation
- Reading the word of God
- Fasting
- Focusing on fulfilling God’s purpose
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For spiritual fitness I pray through out the day, but still need to be more disciplined to pray during a time set aside for me to connect to God and just be still. I usually do this in the evenings but I could be more consistent. The same is true for reading the word of God and fasting, I do it but could be more consistent. I am in a period of my life where I am focused on fulfilling God’s purpose by listening for his direction concerning me and my purpose. More on that in another post.
Spiritual Fitness comes by eliminating the following:
- Distractions
- Negative thinking
- Anything that goes against the word of God
- Idols
Each item listed under spiritual fitness is a post all on its own. I may break down some of the items in separate posts; such as, prayer and meditation, fulfilling God’s purpose, and Idols. God has shown me that Idols may be more than what you think they are and distractions (for me it’s TV) that may seem harmless can turn into being detrimental for your spiritual well being.

“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Start slow and develop a spiritual fitness plan and a physical fitness plan that will work for you. Your mind, body and spirit are connected. Work to be well in all of these ares.