Collagen for weight loss
Body,  Wellness

What are Collagen Peptides good for?

Skinny Fit Super Youth Review: Part One

I’ve recently been hearing a lot about the benefits of collagen supplements. Benefits for your body inside and out. I actually came across collagen supplements on Instagram. There was an ad on my feed for Skinny Fit Super Youth Multi-peptide Collagen . I decided to give it a try. I wondered what are collagen peptides good for? The following post will describe some of the benefits of collagen and my experience taking Skinny Fit Super Youth Multi-Peptide Collagen. I also have a video review, What are collagen peptides good for? that you can click to view or watch posted below.

Benefits of Collagen Peptides

According to Web MD, Health Benefits of Collagen; “Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It’s in your bones, muscles, and blood, comprising three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body. As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to produce more. As a result, many people turn to collagen supplements. These supplements are usually powders, though there are also capsules and liquid supplements available.”

collagen for youthful skin

At the time of this post I have been taking the collagen powder for 2 weeks. I will describe my experience over the last two weeks and what I noticed. I initially heard about the benefits of collagen for hair, skin and nails. The company provided the benefits of their product as:

  • Supports youthful looking skin
  • Promotes healthy weight
  • Supports lean and healthy muscles
  • Supports a healthy gut
  • promotes bone and joint health

Suggested Usage of Super Youth Multi-Collagen Peptides

Skinny Fit suggests mixing one scoop with 8 to 16 Oz. of water, 2-3 times daily. For the past two weeks I have been taking 2 scoops of the Super Youth Multi-Collagen Peptides in 24 ounces of water every morning. I wanted to get in the habit of drinking 24 ounces of water when I first woke up every morning, so wanting to be consistent with the collagen has helped me with this habit. One serving, which is one scoop, is 30 calories and 7g or protein. I put two scoops into my water bottle and fill it up with cold water. I shake it up with a shaker ball that I already had in the house to help dissolve the powder. It dissolves so well I think you could probably do without it but it couldn’t hurt to have some on hand.

What is collagen good for

What I noticed taking collagen peptides after two weeks

Increased Energy

I noticed that in the mornings it was easier for me to get up once I woke up. I usually wake up and am groggy for a few minutes before I am fully awake. Over the last few weeks, getting up in the morning has been much easier. I feel alert much quicker and get up a lot quicker.

Collagen for increase energy

Suppressed appetite

I also noticed that I was not feeling hungry. Drinking two scoops every morning is a total of 14 grams of protein, which may be why I don’t feel hungry for a long time. I drink it every morning between 7am and 8 am. And then I have my daily cup of tea. I start feeling hungry maybe around 1pm or 2pm. If you are looking for something to help curb your hunger Skinny Fit Super Youth maybe be helpful.

collagen for appetite suppressant

Weight loss

After the first week I lost .8 lbs. That may seem like nothing to you but for me to lose almost a pound by not changing anything but drinking this was a great discovery. The second week I lost 4.4 lbs! That is a total of 5.2 lbs in 2 weeks without exercise or changes to my diet. This has motivated me to work more towards losing weight. Over the next few weeks I plan to include at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week. I want to work on my spiritual fitness as well as my physical fitness.

collagen for weight loss

These were my big noticings so far within the first two weeks of taking Super Youth Multi-Collagen Peptides. Skinny Fit recommends using it consistently for 90 days and they have a 90 day money back guarantee. So I am going to monitor my progress for the full 90 days and give updates around every two-four weeks. If you are interested in joining me comment below. Happy wellness!

weight loss plan

Please comment on your results and other products that you recommend!

I am a Teacher, Writer, Poet, Entrepreneur, Wife and Mother. I am a Believer of Christ who pursues living in purpose on purpose. I share my experiences, encouragement, and spiritual insight to help others live Super Naturally in this Natural World.

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